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Polarity Therapy

Advanced Training

 Level 2- Professional RPP

Practitioner Program


with Tree of Life Center, APTA-approved training program facilitated by

Janice Marie Durand


This 9-month, 215-hour training meets mostly live, in-person for

2 to 2 1/2 days per month. Additionally, there are 2-hour live Zoom classes between modules and pre-recorded videos to watch to prepare students for the upcoming module.


" Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter & form."

- Dr. Randolf Stone, Founder of Polarity Therapy

2025 Training Dates


Classes meet monthly Friday & Saturday

& occassional half-day Sundays

~Module #1 - April 4 - 5

~Module #2 - May *8,9, 10 (note 1/2 day will be Thur.)

~Module #3 - June 13,14,*15.

~Module #4 - July 18 - 19

~Module #5 - August 15, 16, *17

~Module #6 - September 12, 13, *14

~Module #7 - October 10,11, *12

~Module #8 - November 7-8

~Module #9 - December 5-6


~ LIVE Online 2 -1/4 hr. through ZOOM in between modules will be determined by the group.



Program Instructor

Janice Marie Durand (jMarie)

Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP),

Registered Polarity Educator,

NC LMBT Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist,

ABMP Certified Somatic Therapist,

Nationally Certified Continuing Education Provider NCBTMB  # 3129991-00.

Tree of Life Center is an

American Polarity Therapy Association

APTA-approved school.


Training Costs:

Total Cost  $3,545 if paid in full by the first class ($50 discount)

Total Cost:  $3,595 with our 9-Month

$355 per month payment plan


~$75 Application fee sent by Jan. 28th

~Upon Acceptance a $325 deposit is due by Feb. 21st that will go toward tuition

See available monthly Payment Plans

See the application for forms of payment that we accept.

Early registration is encouraged. This course will be open to 8 students.

Students coming from a program outside of Tree of Life Center will need to have an interview to be accepted into the program.


“The Life Breath has an ebb and flow like

the tides of nature."

  -Dr. Randolph Stone


“For forty years I searched for a principle in the healing arts which would include all forms of therapy and act as a common denominator, an intelligent answer, to all the numerous contradictory theories and claims existing today.”  -Dr. Randolph Stone

This advanced Polarity Therapy training is designed for students who have completed an American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) approved training Associate Polarity Principles APP level of training- part 1. The RPP advanced educational levels are broken into parts 2 & 3.  Our program intention is to support the seasoning and deepening of each student's understanding of this comprehensive healing system of Polarity Therapy. We will go in-depth to learn more comprehensive energy maps, study more intricate systems of the body, and season in the therapeutic art of facilitating the polarity therapy process with clients. 

Practitioner skills continue to be fostered to promote a clear, spacious, and neutral space to listen to the Inherent blueprint of wholeness within practice clients. We continue to emphasize cultivating physical and energetic ease, alignment, and effortlessness throughout the polarity process. Students deepen their ability to sensitively feel, listen to, and read the energy in clients' systems and apply the diverse skills of Energetic Touch, Polarity Energy Exercises, and Energetics of Food and Nourishment. The student learns to balance their intuition with knowledge and theory of the many layers of this healing system.


Of vital importance, in all of our training programs at Tree of Life Center, is creating a supportive, inclusive learning environment that fosters personal growth while learning effective therapeutic skills to support others in their healing journey. Our educational model incorporates a blend of kinesthetic, visual, and auditory learning styles to support students with how they learn best. 

We support students to develop a deeply embodied understanding of Polarity Therapy.

"As long as these elements or energies flow into and through each other, and support each other in function, all is well."           

         -Dr. Randolph Stone


 Included in tuition for students enrolled in the entire Part-2

  • 175 hours of classroom training includes:  

    ~#18 full days & #5 half-days live in-person class time;

    ~#8 - 2 hour & 15-minute online Live Zoom classes- 18 hours total.

    ~ 6 hours of pre-recorded video

    ~ 3 hours of one-on-one session supervision, guidance & feedback 

       with the instructor. Students are responsible for scheduling. 

     ~ 2 hours of written instructor feedback supervision from sessions

     ~ 3 hrs of peer supervision

  • A Course Manual for each topic

Requirements Outside of class to complete the program include:

  • 5 Professional Polarity Therapy personal sessions with a BCPP

       (not included in tuition)

  • 20-25 documented Polarity Therapy practice sessions given outside of class.

  • Home Explorations are assigned such as reading, journaling & experiential exercises.

  • NOTE: Students enrolling from a Polarity program other than TLC will need to purchase the TLC Level 1- Somatic Energy Healing training manual (350 pages) for an additional expense of $125.


On the RPP Educational level, students will need to do ten consecutive sessions with 3 separate clients at 3 different times throughout the total hours. We offer a 35-45 hour  Project Client group supervision that is separate from and independent of RPP Part 2  & Part 3, twice a year. This separate course is designed to bring multi-layers of support to strengthen and integrate practitioner skills and allow students to go at a pace that suits them. Class meets 3-4 hours monthly for 5-months. This seasoning process often overlaps with the last couple of months of RPP levels 2 and 3. The next Project Client Supervision group will Start July/August overlapping this program.  This can be used for RPP-level education or BCPP supervision hours.



When students fulfill all the completed level 2 & 3 RPP program requirements with TLC, they will receive a final official transcript to apply to the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) for the designation of Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) and/or the International Polarity Education Alliance (IPEA) for Polarity Therapy Professional (PTP). Those wishing to achieve the highest designation in our Polarity Therapy field will do their final preparations to become eligible to sit for the APTA Board Certified Polarity Practitioner BCPP Exam.

The American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) is our National Organization that sets the Standards for Education, Practice, and Teaching of this holistic modality.  The International Polarity Education Alliance (IPEA) is another membership organization that provides many Polarity Therapy resources to its members.

Note: Each State has different statutes regarding rights to touch and practice as a profession. Students residing in North Carolina who do not have a NC License to touch as a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist LMBT as required to be active members of APTA our national organization and earn their BCPP in order to be exempt from the NC Massage and Bodywork statutes as set forth in the Rules and Guidelines at this time.


Students say... 


​"Tree of Life’s Polarity Therapy program is a transformational experience that supports both personal and professional development on the deepest level. JMarie’s embodied way of teaching instills knowledge and wisdom on a cellular level that helped me grow as a person and a practitioner. She models how to set boundaries with love and grace. I left every training weekend feeling refreshed, inspired, and excited about the content we learned. The outside classroom is a beautiful setting and JMarie creates a safe, spacious container for learning. Her ability to form cohesive community within the classroom adds to the program’s impact as you get to practice navigating relational healing in real time. This program changed me, my life, and my path. I am eagerly anticipating two more years of learning with JMarie to become a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner." - BB

“The beauty of the work – the sacredness, the depth, the balance, the pure joy – comes to life in Janice Marie, and is clearly evident in the environment she creates and in the fullness of her teaching.” - MQ


“I felt support, freedom to explore & learn, make ‘mistakes’ and excel.” – JG

“Integrating the Polarity Process in my massage practice has enabled me to provide valuable and meaningful alternatives to my clients.” – DC

"Janice Marie embodies the divine feminine as a teacher and as a practitioner. Her style is fluid, yet grounded, and solidly backed by her many years of experience as a dedicated Polarity Therapy practitioner.  She creates a beautiful, powerful, and safe learning environment at the Tree of Life Center. As a student in her 9-month program, my study of theory, principles, and technique was exponentially deepened by way of direct personal experience and the opportunities I was offered to track and name these moments of transformation.” – CP

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